Smartness is overrated. You cannot be smart and yet successful. Similarly you cannot be successful yet smart. Were those people not smart who laughed at Galileo saying earth revolved around the Sun? Was Galileo smart? What really makes you smart? Thinking like the norm or thinking contrary to the norm? Whatever the case, smartness is overrated. What really matters is accepting one's lack of knowledge in understanding the unfathomable and trusting one's heart with what one believes in till the white light dawns -- making one change his / her belief.
Usually being humans we laugh at what we cannot understand or what we do not want to understand or what we think is ridiculous without going into intrinsic minute details or what we assume to be otherwise. Knowledge is a very good tool to handle one's lack of understanding -- the more you are knowledgeable the more you understand, I humbly believe. There is this saying which I love to use every now and then and it would be perfect time to use it right now... "Not ignorance but ignorance of ignorance is death of knowledge." Which means ignorance itself is not pitiable but rejecting the very fact that you are ignorant is pitiful.
So the next time someone says... The heart can think on its own. Air stores the spoken words which can be retrieved later on. There are planets like earth having living beings. Humans can regrow their organs. Do not laugh, respect the idea and keep silent. Remember, humans can fly now, O genius!
Epic :D