Life consistently teaches us various aspects of living. What we learn today benefits us tomorrow or in the long run. It wouldn't be wrong to judge life as being a continuous journey of learning.
I love the phrase of paradigm shift. The 'ah' or 'oh' moment when we come to know of something opposite to our thinking, belief and set of mind is the paradigm shift. Life is a linked-up thread of paradigm shifts.
Being ignorant is an important facet of our lives. The unpredictability of life makes it fun and full of joy. A life with spoilers would surely spoil it. What if you were a salesman and knew already that you would close that billion dollar sale? What if you were a mountaineer and knew already that you would never be able to reach the top of Mount Everest? The excitement, the enthusiasm, the hope, the motivation would certainly be not there at all.
Not knowing what would be the outcome of your efforts makes the journey of achieving something worthwhile. The journey more than the end result is what makes us enjoy our lives but not knowing the end result beforehand is the prerequisite. Hence the wisdom prevails... Life is bliss... Ignorance is bliss!